ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ý ßÜ Ý Þ Ý ÝÞ Ý R’MWaçe SoftWare! ÍÍÍÍÝÍÍÍÜßÍÞÍÍÍÝÍÍÝÍÞÝÍÍÝÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÝßßßÝ Ý Þ Ý Ý Ý Þ Ý Þ Ý Ý Ý Þ Ý Ý Þ Ý Ý Þ Ý CopyWrite (c), 1994, 1995Ron Mc Neill (Dr. Suess), All Rights Reserved! RAMWare SoftWare!, R’M¥et!, The Banner Maker, Quotamatic, The Restarter, RAMBar, "2 Cents", TG User Zapper, and R’MSW”RœD! are all TradeMarks of Ron Mc Neill. The Setup Program was created for American Online and DOES not install the runtime modual required by this program. This was done to save download time. If you do not have VBRUN300.DLL, you can download it from American Online. This Program was created & tested on a 386DX40 with 5 meg of RAM, and a 640 X 480 Standard VGA monitor. Since this is a very minimal Windows Machine, I assume that it should run on the majority of Windows 3.1 or WFW 3.11 systems. I've tested it on my configuration of Windows 3.1, a default install of Windows 3.1, and a default install of WFW 3.11 running on top of DOS 6.2. Any DOS version that supports Windows should be sufficient. NOTE: This program makes heavy use of the Windows 3.1 API. Therefore I am very confident that it WILL NOT run on Windows 3.0! If you are running a version earlier than 3.1, I strongly suggest that you spend the $50.00 for an upgrade to 3.1. I had 3.0 once, believe me you will not regret it! The WFW 3.11 Add-On is available for 3.1 users with big hard drives. The new 32bit file access and new cache is definately faster than Windows 3.1 but I haven't noticed to much improvement between the two versions besides speed and disk space. If you have a compressed disk, you can't use these new features and are probably better off with 3.1. I'm using Stacker 4.0 on part of my hard drive, and have nothing against compression, along side of backing up VERY OFTEN (except that it slows down your system). With Windows versions coming out as fast as MS-DOS "flavors", I think I'm going to wait and see what's left after the dust settles! Windows 3.1 has proven itself and seems to work fine. I just use WFW 3.11 for testing purposes. Windows 3.1, WFW 3.11, and MS-DOS are Trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Stacker 4.0 is trademarked by Stac Electronics.